Education Minute #5 – Multiple Intelligences

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Everyone has unique gifts and ways that they prefer to process information about the world around them. This is called multiple intelligences.

  • Does your child love to analyze information, and write poems? They’re displaying verbal-linguistic intelligence
  • Does your child enjoy making calculations and solving abstract problems? That’s a sign of logical-mathematical intelligence
  • Children who easily understand maps and graphical information have high visual-spatial intelligence
  • Children who distinguish among different types of plants, animals, or weather formations are tapping into their naturalistic intelligence
  • Musical intelligence is displayed when children are producing and making meaning of different types of sound.
  • Do you have a child uses their body or movement to create or solve problems? This is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
  • Children who seem to recognize and understand other people’s moods, desires, motivations, and intentions have keen interpersonal intelligence.
  • And the ability to recognize and assess those same characteristics in themselves is called intrapersonal intelligence.

Learning is fluid and complex, and it’s important to avoid labeling children as one type of learner. It is useful, however, to think about the different ways that information can be presented. Providing children with multiple ways to demonstrate their knowledge really increases their engagement with learning both in school, and at home.

Want to learn more about your multiple intelligences? Click here to take a short multiple intelligences quiz. 
